Be sure to mention WSA.
In light of this weeks tragedy in Carson City and the upcoming 10th anniversary of September 11th please take some time this next week to think about your safety. Not only your safety but those you love. Don't wait until tragedy strikes to do something about your safety. Personal safety is a topic that should be discussed around the dinner table on a regular basis with those you share your life with. WHAT WOULD WE DO IF_______________? Start asking this question and then fill in the blank. REMEMBER, you could have a great plan and it could fall apart and you could still become a victim. Have a plan B and a plan C.
Here's a little something from WSA instructor TK:
Next Steps: Are you ready for a gunfight?
Teaching basics of introduction to hand guns, conceal carry and basic tactics is a lot of fun. Students find new skills, expand their mindsets and learn their pistols more intimately.
We teach about encounters at home, the store and other various places. The mind set is to be prepared for an unexpected encounter from a criminal.
However, I have begun to understand how limiting that mind set can be. It is a good starting point and light years ahead of where the student originally starts from. Many times, students have already been victims of crimes when they seek training. This reinforces that most training is focused on criminal encounters.
Unfortunately, the events in Carson City this week reminded me that we need to always move forward in our training and over come limiting mind sets. Let me explain.
Recently I was watching TV and there was a story about a gentleman who had been involved in MULTIPLE gunfights. The first two were random. However in the second gunfight, the perpetrators were gang members. They came back for more, several more to be exact. I was impressed what this man did to prepare himself after the first fight. It saved his life in the ensuing encounters as he survived them all!
In old western days, gunfights were common. Gunfighters trained vigorously to be fast on the draw. (When was the last time you practiced your draw?) The only time truly tested, bet their life on their training and speed. They have disappeared from the modern landscape and with it the mindset of the “gunfight.”
Today’s gunfight can usually be traced to a gang origin because it involves more than one assailant. Most of us train but rarely for multiple assailants. That is where we need to change our basic CCW mind set. Take charge and be prepared to handle more than one threat at a time. They may mean learning to carry an extra magazine or extra pistol.
I think it just boils down to this: What are you going to do about winning a gunfight?
The Women's Shooting Academy has two upcoming concealed carry classes. The dates are Saturday September 24th & Sunday October 23rd. If you would like to reserve your seat please call Vicki at
(775) 772-7064
We have two seats left in Saturdays (09-10-11) Introduction to Rifle's Class. WSA instructors Kristy and Tammy will teach you everything you need to know about shooting a rifle. Everything for this class will be provided for you including guns, targets, ammo, hearing and eye protection.
For a complete list of WSA classes please visit the website at:
"War is good when good survives and evil is crushed. If you don't crush evil then evil will get you."
-Ted Nugent
Please submit via email your relevant stories and photos to be used in an upcoming newsletter to:
Until next time, be well, stay safe and have a plan!