Wednesday, August 7, 2013

August Updates

Hello there,

I hope you are all well and enjoying your summer.  Did you know that there are only 139 days until Christmas.....yikes!

Lots to get to so I am going to jump right in.  Below is a link to a video that I am very proud of.  The NRA crew did a beautiful job and captured all I stand for in 5 minutes.  Enjoy! CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO

You asked and we delivered.  The rifle class is Co-Ed and now taking sign ups.  Have you ever shot an AR before, you will at this class!
LADIES LADIES LADIES, I have a very big favor.  The Women's Safety Academy is moving to the forefront to emerge as a bigger force in the coming months.  Completing my SURVEY will take you LESS than 5 minutes and help us as we move forward to plan an event later next year.  To participate please CLICK HERE

Since I am talking to you ladies right now I want to tell you about a monthly event starting next week.  LADIES NIGHT AT THE boys allowed.  If you would like to join us you must call SAFESHOT at (775) 284-8984 to sign up.  When we are full we are full.
Talk is cheap, you are only as good as the time and commitment you put into your training!  See you at the range.

What the heck is this? I like to step out of the box and always be thinking of ways that I can make a difference in the lives of women.  This idea came to me as a result of a news story that caught my attention a few months ago.  READ THE WHOLE STORY HERE
I need letters and I need donations and with your help we can get there!  If you know a women that needs what the women's shooting academy can offer please nominate her.  I will give the best of me for 4 days, all expenses paid!

DO YOU NEED YOUR CCW PERMIT?  I have a few opening in this Saturday's (8/10) CCW class. If you would like to sign up please call Carol at (775) 830-6144 and she will get you all signed up.

COMING SOON!  The Women's Safety Academy will be offering a series of self defense classes. Many of you have met Joey Walker, Joey is a retired police lieutenant with a black belt in multiple disciplines. Joey will be joined by three other highly trained men and women to offer you the best of the best.  YOUR SAFETY MATTERS TO US! We care about you and will do our part to help you minimize your chances of becoming a statistic.  Stay tuned, more information coming soon!  The WSA team is growing and I am blessed to be surrounded by the best!

Kyla and Natalie have completed their NRA training, you will be seeing lots more from these two amazing gals in the coming months.

Thank you for your continued support and referrals, without you all there would be no WSA.

REMEMBER- If you are not watching your surroundings you can bet your surroundings are watching you!  Be safe out there and always keep an eye on your six.

Until next time....



Thursday, July 18, 2013

Guns are Worthless

Guns are worthless.  Yep, I said it.  If your jaw just introduced itself to your keyboard and you started shaking your fist in total disgust, I ask that you hear me out for a second.  Since you’ve found this blog, I’d bet my first born that you have your CCW permit or at least begun the process for one.  You may have also purchased the gun you will carry concealed--maybe even a fancy little holster to put it in and attach to your body.  You’ve probably even pictured yourself whipping out your gun at a moment’s notice and taking down a crazed lunatic trying to attack you.  However, first, you have to see that crazed lunatic, don’t you?  If, at red lights and in grocery lines, you’re imagining purple unicorns flying over double rainbows, your gun is worthless.

I understand constant vigilance is difficult. I consider myself rather safety minded yet somehow, those pesky unicorns still find a way inside my brain, too.  What can I say?  I’m only human, after all, and a female human, at that!  We ladies are at a disadvantage from birth, not just physically but mentally.  I don’t mean that to say women are weak or dumb; quite the contrary.  We just have a lot going on upstairs.  For the most part our husbands, boyfriends, kids, pets, wayward grandmothers count on us to make sure they’re fed, clothed, cleaned, transported, retrieved, walked, diapered, etc.  And, oh yeah, we still have to find time to make sure our own socks match, too.  Can you blame us for taking that mental break every now and then to recharge?  Heck, I do it all the time.  It’s my biggest challenge in terms of my safety.

I’m not an eye contact kind of person to begin with; it makes me uncomfortable so it takes a lot of effort for me to pay more attention to my surroundings.  I have to tell myself repeatedly to exit the “White” zone and make note of the yellow tennis shoes wearing the guy across the street or the man leaning against a building 20 feet away.  Because if I allow danger to take me by surprise, my gun is worthless.  My pepper spray is worthless.  And I’m in trouble.

Women are gifted with an incredible intuition, let’s vow to trust it more, shall we?  A fellow WSA student who worked in security quoted a phrase she used at work.  “Just Doesn’t Look Right” or JDLR for short.  I can’t even count high enough to number all the times in my life I’ve experienced the JDLR’s.  The lady in this story had a classic case of JDLR’s and, luckily, managed to avoid a potentially dangerous situation had she and her friend not trusted their intuition. 

The bottom line here, ladies, is WAKE UP!  If you aren’t watching your surroundings, you better believe your surroundings are watching you. Use your peripheral to create a mental map of what’s around you at all times.  All of your planning and training and purchasing of personal protection items doesn’t matter if you don’t pay attention, primarily, to the goings on around you.  So, pick your heads up ladies because ultimately, your gun is worthless without you.

AKA: WSA Resident Word-Smith

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I stand alone at the crowded Cabela's gun counter.  I've already spent hours researching what I want for my first handgun before I arrived here and have mostly decided which gun is the gun, yet the selection remains overwhelming.  My boyfriend, having succumbed to the many manly wonders of such a place as Cabela's, has already ditched me for fishing rods and bait tackle. Good to know, I’m just below fish.  

A quick scan of my fellow customers and I count only one other woman among us, busily displaying disinterest at the expense of her cell phone's battery.  Another scan, this time of the employees, one of which will be the one to help me on this momentous endeavor and once again, all men--the only female is working the checkout register.  Great.  I'm excited and intimidated.  Confident yet flustered.  I can feel the curious looks from the other patrons brush over me and I suddenly feel extremely out of place in my fur trimmed black puffy jacket.  "Stop it." I think to myself before I completely freak out. "I belong here too."

I love my boyfriend, however much he doesn't understand about being a woman and my sudden resentment of fish.  He’s forever asking me, “Why did you lock the door?  I just went into the garage for a minute." "Why can't we sleep with the windows open at night?" "Why do you lock your car when it's IN the garage?" "My gun is in the night stand. Just grab it if someone breaks in."  His fortunate childhood consisted of wide open ranches in Fallon,NV and banjo playing boonies outside of Marysville, CA where he actually did walk miles and miles to school, uphill, both ways, in the rain.  (The use of Kleenex-boxes for shoes is still up for debate, however.)  In sharp contrast, my childhood in the Lettuce Capital of the World, Salinas, CA, consisted mainly of paved city streets, fog, and a gang problem so bad drive-by shootings and fire-bombings were child's play, literally.  

Locking my doors and windows, even when my boyfriend is outside rummaging through the garage, is so second nature I don't even realize I'm doing it.  Well maybe sometimes I do, after all, he did ditch me for fish.  Anyway, It’s just what you do in my family. You learn what you live, I guess.  If you open it, you close it.  If you turn it on, you turn it off.  If you unlock it, you lock it.  Simple enough. 

 My family to this day has a secret word that we, as children, were to ask for if ever a stranger approached under the guise of an emergency with a family member.  As a child, I heeded the stranger danger public service announcements with vigor.  Oh, you don’t know the secret word? No dice, dude! 

In my child mind, the Boogeyman lurked everywhere.  Some people would say my family was paranoid raising me like that, my boyfriend included.  I say they did the right thing.  The Boogeyman does lurk everywhere.  I've seen him with my own eyes--Fingerprinted him, even.  I’ve sat face to face with him with nothing but a desk between us while he tried to explain away his Boogeyman deeds.  The Boogeyman is why I lock out my boyfriend religiously and without realizing.  The Boogeyman is why I decided to take my back-of-the-mind awareness of his existence to the forefront and learn how to really protect myself.  Protect myself in a way so that if the Boogeyman ever does break in, I can do more than throw a plastic case with an unloaded gun in it and hope it hits him in his fat head.

I'm fortunate though.  I've been able to keep the Boogeyman out of my 10 feet of recommended defensive space thus far, something not so for many people, men and women. That's not to say he hasn't come around just enough in my life lest I forget he's always there.  He's shown up at my childhood home as my best friend's ex-boyfriend toting a .357 revolver.  I was 13 and hid in a back room gripping a butcher knife with white knuckles.  He appeared as a boyfriend years ago when after a shouting match he placed his hands around my neck and squeezed.  A month before I got married to my future ex-husband, he befriended my drunk fiancĂ© at a bar and convinced him to let him stay the night at our house.  When I tried to send him on his merry way, he started an argument with the drunk fiancĂ©, leaving it to me to act. Me, all of 5 feet 7 inches 130 lbs. against a Boogeyman of over 6 feet. To this day I remember the split second decision to posture and assert myself, "YOU NEED TO GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" I screamed with instant belief that I was going to win only because I had to win.  

And most recently, when I started to succumb to the idea that maybe I really am just paranoid and got relaxed about assuring my own security.  The garage door stayed open one night and allowed said Boogeyman and his sticky fingers to roam the inside of it and my car and take what he pleased.  I slept with my dog alone and unknowingly just 40 feet away in my bedroom next to my unarmed nightstand.  To this day, I can't say for sure if the door into my house was even locked.  The ramifications of which hit me like a wrecking ball.
"Never again." I told myself. 

Until that moment I had never totally understood how many times I had truly been a victim.  Had I just suppressed these Boogeyman moments because I'm a woman and that's what we like to do?  Had I just thought it was a normal part of life?  I don't know but I refuse to believe that there is even one woman alive today who has never come face to face with evil, no matter how seemingly insignificant the encounter.  I challenge every woman to evaluate their life and acknowledge these events as well.

A year ago, a good friend told me about this awesome class she took to learn about handguns.  A women ONLY class.  I was immediately impressed.  A search of the website and it’s true!  The Women's Shooting Academy offered a women-only Introduction to Handguns course taught by Vicki Kawelmacher, a bad a** looking lady posed smiling with a large handgun.  Heck yes!  I want to be her when I grow up!  Where do I sign?

I had only a "passive knowledge" of guns, i.e. male handed me loaded gun, I shot loaded gun until unloaded, male took unloaded gun from me.  The determination to trade my “passive knowledge" of guns for a true, working knowledge of guns possessed me completely.  I made myself a promise. I would take an active responsibility to ensure my own safety.

Finally, it was class day at The Women’s Shooting Academy.  Twelve of us ladies, all different ages and I found myself overwhelmed with pride.  We were there to learn and empower ourselves.  I realized I’m not paranoid after all.  I’m prepared.  The mystery of what a man does when he takes the unloaded gun from my hands was revealed.  I no longer need him to walk me through the masculine world of firearms.  I can walk on my own now thanks to Vicki and her outstanding team.  I belong here too.

That’s how I got here.  At the Cabela’s gun counter.  That’s how I end up with the gun, a beautiful Sig Sauer P238 .380.  Imagine that.  A gun that’s beautiful.

I love my gun.  I love that it's MY gun. I love the quiet weight of it in my hands.  I love knowing how to USE my gun.  I love knowing how to use OTHER guns.  I love knowing that I have a good fighting chance of protecting myself if ever the occasion arises.  I love that The Women’s Shooting Academy exists so that other women, like me, can empower themselves.  And I imagine I will also love the moment that Boogeyman dares show his face again and he says with fear, “Oh my god, she’s got a gun.” 

Because we belong here too.

AKA: WSA Resident Word-Smith

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Hi there,

I hope this update finds you settling into 2013 and doing well.  WSA is a little behind getting some updates out to you.  We have been very busy behind the scenes preparing to move into spring with a full teaching schedule.

Please help me welcome Carina Funk to the team.  Carina is working on a very special event coming to Reno this summer. Grand Sierra, Girls, Guns, Shooting, Tahoe, Food, Black boys allowed exclusive weekend!  Stay tuned for more details.  To read more about Carina CLICK HERE

A great big THANK YOU to WSA instructor Carol.  Carol has really stepped up and is taking on even more to help me out.  Carol will be scheduling all classes and also helping with emails and phone calls.  This will free me up significantly and allow me to focus on growing the business.  Be sure to check  out the TEAM TEN-X BLOG that Carol manages.

A very special event coming this Saturday to Reno!
SURVIVING AN ACTIVE SHOOTER SEMINAR, this is a CO-ED event and we still have some seats available.  For more information or to register please contact Vicki at (775) 722-7064

Custom WSA dog tags and custom WSA belt buckles, includes belt.  Each piece is unique, no two pieces are the same.  All items will be available on the WSA STORE soon!  I have some available now, call Vicki to order today!

Due to a recent livingsocial deal I have decided to honor the $29.00 discounted rate all year.  This is a savings of 52% off the regular $60.00 rate.  All dates are posted on the WSA WEBSITE.

Together we are better, thanks for your continued support!

I look forward to seeing many of you in an upcoming class.

Until next time....
