Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January Newsletter


"Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better person"  -Benjamin Franklin

Due to an unexpected medical condition I had to cancel all class the last seven weeks of 2010.  I apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused some of you.  The good news is I am well rested and EXCITED to get back to teaching beginning this weekend!  I will be posting the schedule for the next couple of months on the website next week.

The first concealed carry class for 2011 is this coming Sunday the 9th.  If you are interested in attending please give me at call to register.  I will also be doing GUN ADD ON's in the afternoon for those of you looking to add any new guns to your permit.  The fee for your add on paperwork is $10.00 per gun, this is in addition to the small fee the sheriff's dept. will charge you to print your new card with the additions.  Again, must pre-register with Vicki.

For the big game hunter this was a perfect way for Kristy to start her year AND end her hunting season.  
After 2 1/2 days of walking and looking for this guy...

Here is what Kristy had to say:  "You've never really lived until you've experienced the total immersion in nature that hunting provides.  There is nothing like feeding your family the healthy meat that GOD created to nourish our bodies."

NEW INSTRUCTORS...Four former WSA students took the NRA Pistol Instructor Certification in early December.  I am really excited for all of them. WATCH OUT RENO! 

Meet Alice...I am excited to announce that Alice is joining the WSA team.  Alice is a certified pistol instructor, a certified WARRIOR instructor, she also holds a 4th degree black belt. 
 Alice will begin teaching a ladies only 4 hour self defense class that will take off where the WARRIOR seminar leaves off.  Learn how to fight with what you have where you are, utilizing your body to the fullest.  More information in a couple of weeks.   

JANUARY CLASSES are filling up fast.  This Saturday's ladies intro. is currently FULL.  Next ladies intro. is on January 22nd, don't miss out sign up today. 
OC PEPPER SPRAY class on the 19th still has availability.   
THE WARRIOR IN EVERY WOMAN SEMINAR on the 23rd is a class for EVERY woman.
KNIFE TRAINING class will be back in February. 

How about a WSA gift certificate.                

WSA is committed to offering you the highest quality training that you have come to know and trust in us.  Thank you for your continued support.  I look forward to the New Year and seeing many of you again.

Until next time...


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