Monday, April 6, 2009

April Newsletter


I hope you are all well and enjoying this beautiful spring like weather. It's the perfect time to get out there and start practicing.

There are now over 25 ladies signed up to meet others to shoot and practice with. If you are a women and are interested in becoming part of the (confidential) group please contact Vicki.

FREE gun cleaning classes will be offered once a month beginning in June. More details will be announced in May's Newsletter!

Did you know.....
According to the FBI, states with "Shall-Issue" right to carry laws have a 26 percent lower total violent crime rate, a 20 percent lower homicide rate, a 39 percent lower robbery rate and a 22 percent lower aggravated assault rate than those states that do not allow their citizens to legally carry guns.

If you are interested in acquiring a multi-state concealed carry permit please contact Vicki. Do it while you still can!

"No free man shall ever be denied the use of arms"
~Thomas Jefferson

Below is the link to read the NRA article regarding Bi-Partisan Legislation to restore your Second Amendment in National Parks. You may have to copy and paste.

Living your life in a constant state of awareness goes a long way towards avoiding trouble. Good habits and tactics apply to everything you do. Make a choice....Refuse to be a Victim!

Refuse to be a Victim is a four hour seminar that focuses on crime prevention and developing your personal safety strategy plan. I am very excited about this seminar. Hanae, Kristy and myself will begin offering this course to our community in late May.

Until next time....

Take Care, Be Well and Stay Safe
