Thursday, September 8, 2011

September Newsletter

Let me introduce you to Chris and Jamie Parker.  Chris and Jamie are the owners of Jack Ross Ammunition, they are a local manufacturer based in Reno.  They currently offer factory ammo in .9mm, .40 S&W, and .45 Auto.  Please support local business and give Jack Ross Ammo your support.  Jack Ross Website
Be sure to mention WSA.

In light of this weeks tragedy in Carson City and the upcoming 10th anniversary of September 11th please take some time this next week to think about your safety.  Not only your safety but those you love.  Don't wait until tragedy strikes to do something about your safety. Personal safety is a topic that should be discussed around the dinner table on a regular basis with those you share your life with. WHAT WOULD WE DO IF_______________? Start asking this question and then fill in the blank. REMEMBER, you could have a great plan and it could fall apart and you could still become a victim. Have a plan B and a plan C.

Here's a little something from WSA instructor TK:

Next Steps: Are you ready for a gunfight?

Teaching basics of introduction to hand guns, conceal carry and basic tactics is a lot of fun. Students find new skills, expand their mindsets and learn their pistols more intimately.

We teach about encounters at home, the store and other various places. The mind set is to be prepared for an unexpected encounter from a criminal.

However, I have begun to understand how limiting that mind set can be. It is a good starting point and light years ahead of where the student originally starts from. Many times, students have already been victims of crimes when they seek training. This reinforces that most training is focused on criminal encounters.

Unfortunately, the events in Carson City this week reminded me that we need to always move forward in our training and over come limiting mind sets. Let me explain.

Recently I was watching TV and there was a story about a gentleman who had been involved in MULTIPLE gunfights. The first two were random. However in the second gunfight, the perpetrators were gang members. They came back for more, several more to be exact. I was impressed what this man did to prepare himself after the first fight. It saved his life in the ensuing encounters as he survived them all!

In old western days, gunfights were common. Gunfighters trained vigorously to be fast on the draw. (When was the last time you practiced your draw?)  The only time truly tested, bet their life on their training and speed. They have disappeared from the modern landscape and with it the mindset of the “gunfight.”

Today’s gunfight can usually be traced to a gang origin because it involves more than one assailant.  Most of us train but rarely for multiple assailants. That is where we need to change our basic CCW mind set. Take charge and be prepared to handle more than one threat at a time. They may mean learning to carry an extra magazine or extra pistol.

I think it just boils down to this: What are you going to do about winning a gunfight?


The Women's Shooting Academy has two upcoming concealed carry classes.  The dates are Saturday September 24th & Sunday October 23rd.  If you would like to reserve your seat please call Vicki at
(775) 772-7064


We have two seats left in Saturdays (09-10-11) Introduction to Rifle's Class.  WSA instructors Kristy and Tammy will teach you everything you need to know about shooting a rifle.  Everything for this class will be provided for you including guns, targets, ammo, hearing and eye protection.

For a complete list of WSA classes please visit the website at:

"War is good when good survives and evil is crushed. If you don't crush evil then evil will get you."
-Ted Nugent

Please submit via email your relevant stories and photos to be used in an upcoming newsletter to:

Until next time, be well, stay safe and have a plan!


Friday, July 8, 2011

July Newsletter

The Women's Shooting Academy had a lot of fun shooting our first official commercial.  I want to say thanks again to Kristy, Hanae, Patty, Marika and Kimi for stepping up and offering to be a part of it.  You ladies are awesome and I love y'all.

Enjoy, feel free to pass it on.

Two new laws recently went into effect in Nevada

Assembly Bill 217 and Assembly Bill 282 went into effect on July 1.

Assembly Bill 217, introduced by Assemblyman John Ellison (R-33), allows residents of non-contiguous states to purchase long guns in Nevada.  It also allows Nevada residents to purchase long guns in non-contiguous states.  This legislation brings Nevada in line with the protections provided by the Firearms Owners Protection Act, which allows for the interstate sale of long guns by federally licensed firearms dealers. 

Assembly Bill 282, introduced by Speaker John Oceguera (D-16), is a four-point omnibus gun bill. While this bill was initially problematic due to NRA-opposed language being inserted on the Assembly floor, the bill was rewritten in a joint legislative conference committee to benefit Nevada Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) permit holders.

AB 282 will:
  • ensure that CCW permit holders’ names and addresses remain confidential;
  • revise Nevada state law to allow carrying of any semi-automatic pistol, as with revolvers, once qualified for a CCW permit with a semi-automatic pistol;
  • allow carrying of firearms in Nevada state parks;
  • statutorily mandate a background investigation (which is currently being done by all Nevada sheriffs) for CCW permit renewals for the purpose of reinstating the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) exemption for Nevada, thus ensuring that permit holders do not have to go through a point-of-contact check for every firearm purchased, as long as the CCW permit is valid.
I am very excited to announce the launch of  iCarry2.  The iCarry2 WEBSITE and store are now up and running.  Please take a moment to browse the STORE and read our BLOG
Our blog is A Little Of This And A Little Of That For Women Who Shoot, Hunt & Fish. We Are NEVER Afraid To Share Our Opinion And Love Hearing Yours.

Upcoming Events

Kristy and I will be at the upcoming Reno Crossroads of the West Gun Show on July 30th & 31st.  This gun show is being held at the Reno Convention Center.  Please be sure to stop by The Women's Shooting Academy and iCarry2 tables. FREE CANDY TO ALL WHO COME SAY HI.

I have recently added some new dates to the WSA WEBSITE.  Don't miss the upcoming RIFLE CLASS being taught by Kristy Cambra, multiple dates to choose from.  Tammy Rianda recently became a certified  rifle instructor and will be assisting Kristy.
If you have any questions or need additional information call Vicki at (775) 772-7064.

A warrior is a fighter. She is a woman determined to win all battles and I believe every women has a warrior spirit. You must prepare for the predator that is ready to attack at the opportune moment. The warrior woman finds herself in many situations and places as she goes about her day.

You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to become a WARRIOR, when you do, you and those around  you will be less likely to become a victim!  WARRIOR INFORMATION
 “You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.”

Until next well, stay safe and enjoy your summer!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Introduction To Rifles

This class is perfect for the man or woman who has always wanted to learn how to shoot a rifle. It is an introductory level class that explains types of rifle actions, proper terminology, true rifle fundamentals and the shooting sport opportunities available to rifle shooters. You will learn to shoot from these positions, prone, sitting, kneeling and standing.

A portion of this class is taught indoors (3-4 hours), while the latter part of the class takes place on the shooting range (4-5 hours). To train fundamentals without the forceful recoil of a high-power rifle we will shoot .22 LR only.

Everything needed for the class is provided including rifles, shooting mat, ammunition, targets, hearing and eye protection.

Space is VERY limited so that personal attention can be given to each and every student.

Classes are offered as a ladies only class and a co-ed class.  The class Fee is $125.00

    Saturday, July 23rd (LADIES ONLY)
    Sunday, July 24th (CO-ED)
    Saturday, September 10th (LADIES ONLY)
    Sunday, September 11th (CO-ED)

Call Vicki at (775) 772-7064


Thursday, May 19, 2011

iCarry2 launches in Reno

Meet Vicki & Kristy, Co-Founders of iCarry2

The idea is simple. We are two women who shoot, hunt and carry. Our mission is to create a line of stylish clothing and accessories that represents who you are and what you do. iCarry2 gives women the ability to join in camaraderie as we pursue our adventurous outdoor lifestyles. Gone are the days where women have to wear a man’s shirt, because we carry2.

It all started out of frustration. We were sick of tailoring $15.00 men’s shirts simply because we wanted to wear a shirt that represented our love of the shooting industry. It’s clear: they (the industry) don’t make enough clothing and accessories for women who shoot, hunt and fish. Women in the industry are growing at an incredibly fast rate, and very few companies have mastered the art of ensuring these women have the ability to share with the world their passion for the outdoors and shooting sports. Our line is designed to do exactly that…catch the eye of someone walking by, spark up a conversation, or simply give women the ability to sport their hobby, passion or lifestyle. Whether you are more subtle in your message to the world or want to shout it from the rooftops, we have something for all women who are passionate about the outdoors, conservation, and the shooting sports. 

As co-founders of the icarry2 line, we stand on our faith and pledge to give back a portion of all company proceeds. As free American citizens, we are passionate about helping women and children around the globe break away from the bonds of slavery and human trafficking that continues to grow and plague not only our country, but our world. We have partnered with NotforSale, a non-profit agency which combines technology, intellectual capital, abolitionist groups and a growing network of individuals like yourself – joined together to end slavery in our lifetime. Please take a few moments to check out their foundation at

We want women who wear these shirts to feel proud of who they are and not afraid to show the world.  We want to give women in the shooting industry a voice…via a t-shirt and/or accessories.

OK....we do have an iCarry2 rifle shirt for the guys too! 

We will be at the Reno Crossroads of the West Gun Show May 21st & 22nd.  Find iCarry2 right next to The Women's Shooting Academy and Star Targets.  Please come out and show your support.

The iCarry2 website and store will launch this coming weekend as well, you can find us at:

As women we carry many things.......but most of all iCarry2 my freedom!


Vicki & Kristy

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 
-1 Peter 4:10

Saturday, March 19, 2011


 Written by:  K Caliber

So now you’ve conquered your fear, you’ve educated yourself on how to shoot a handgun…you’ve taken ladies intro. Next step: find yourself a firearm! Taking a training course truly is half the battle. In fact, I’d venture to say the tough stuff is in your quest to find the right handgun. I would like to provide you with a small amount of guidance that just might get you through your search with a little less stress, a lot more enjoyment and the end result being the purchase of the proper handgun for YOU!

Now please understand all ladies are different, I love my Springfield XD in .40 caliber, another lady I know prefers a Ruger LCP chambered in .380. Some have long skinny hands, others have short stalky fingers, our skill level and muscle strength varies dramatically. Many ladies like slim framed pistols while others prefer molded Hogue grips.  In the world of purchasing firearms, especially when it comes to pistols, the best piece of advice I can give you is don’t let someone else tell you what you want. Please, if you are in the market for a pistol, take the time to consider the following purchasing tips; it may make the difference between a great purchasing experience and a terrible one.

Do your research!
    Think about when you bought your last car. I bet you did a little internet research before contacting a dealer, right?! I also bet you test drove multiple models and asked relentless questions about features and reliability of each car until you finally narrowed it down to the car that best fit you and your family.
Ladies, gun shopping should be done the exact same way! Subscribe to a magazine(s), research blogs, ask other ladies who shoot what they like and why. Look at features such as the size of the firearm, the caliber it is chambered in, are there any external or internal safety features. Do your research before you even step foot in a gun store.

Compare Feel!
    So there is one vital mistake anyone can make when they purchase a firearm, buying one that isn’t comfortable in their hands. If you don’t feel comfortable holding the gun, you aren’t going to shoot the gun accurately. It’s important the frame of the firearm isn’t too big or too small for you, and that the grips are either comfortable or molded to fit your hands. If you pick the gun up and it isn’t comfortable, either don’t buy the firearm or find the right grips.

Ask questions!
    If you do your initial research and you know which type of firearm is right for you (which you should have been able to determine at the end of the day you took the Ladies Intro class) you should have a ton of questions for the sales personnel you work with.  Remember, that if the salesman or woman is truly interested in ensuring you go home with the right firearm, they will be asking you just as many questions! Compare features, ask the expert to tell you why one model is better than the other. You may like a gun with no external safety or it may be very important that you have one...

Tell them about yourself and how you conduct your business. Do you have kids, perhaps you have arthritis, maybe you are a left-handed shooter, or perhaps you summer in Idaho and winter in Arizona. All these things will play a huge part in which firearm you choose to purchase. Ask the salesperson any and all questions you can think of. Do they suggest certain types of ammunition for practice and others for self-defense? If so, why do they suggest each item? How about cleaning and storage? There are thousands of lubricants, solvents and other cleaning items to choose from. What works best, which brand is the safest? You won’t know if you don’t ask…

Know your purpose!
    I can’t say this enough; there is no ‘one handgun’ on the market that will do everything for you. Generally if the gun is fun to shoot, it is larger in size and has some weight to it, which means it is no longer practical to use for carry. Same with concealed carry handguns, they are generally compact and lightweight making them less comfortable to shoot when out at the range or at a competition. You can find firearms that will be OK for dual purpose; however, the reality is you might want to think about buying multiple handguns for multiple purposes.
Know your strengths and your weaknesses!

    It is a very personal decision to buy either a pistol or a revolver. If you have a difficult time functioning a revolver, you really need to consider buying a semi-automatic handgun. If a semi-automatic has too many bells and whistles and you do not want so many options or perhaps are apprehensive about potential malfunctions, you might lean towards buying a revolver. Knowing yourself, your daily routine and how well you can function each type of handgun will make a difference when purchasing any firearm.
What is your price point?
    Alright, I’ll break out the dreaded question…What do you want to spend on your firearm? In all reality you may go above or below your budget to find the right gun but you need to have an idea of what you are willing to spend. Here’s the deal with this though….if you aren’t willing to go above a set budget yet cannot find a handgun you like in your price range; I suggest waiting and saving more money. It’s one more day without a gun, but you are more dangerous to your loved ones, yourself and the public if you don’t have a gun you can function well or feel comfortable with.  Realize this purchase is an investment that may save your life or the life of someone you know and love one day. This may be the single biggest decision you make. (Until you are like me and now have a handgun collection far bigger than you’ll ever need!!)  Take it seriously, and set the necessary money aside to be able to purchase ammunition, storage and cleaning supplies.

    As I said before, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to buying a handgun. So many factors play into your decision and which gun will work best for you. Please take the time to consider the work you owe yourself to do the research, ask the questions, and complete the self-evaluation you will need to complete while shopping for the right gun. However, through all the seriousness don’t forget this is fun! Having your own firearm and shooting at the range with friends and family is fun!! This should be a pleasant experience, but if it isn’t-find yourself a new gun dealer who cares about you, or call WSA we’ll help you out.

Do you have something interesting or relevant that you would like to share?  If so, please send me an email at

Until next time...


Thursday, February 17, 2011

From a students perspective...

If you are interested in a self defense awareness class, I would strongly recommend Vicki Kawelmacher’s.  I say self defense awareness, because that is what she does; she helps women (and men) be aware of many possible situations we may need to defend ourselves against, and gives us the tools and knowledge to use toward that end.

Hi.  I’m Freda Kurtz and my husband, Chris and I have taken most of Vicki’s classes and will hopefully have all of them under our belts soon.   In addition to that I have recommended her classes to my friends because I believe that she can help them to be better prepared in the event of a bad situation.  

I would really prefer to go into detail of what I like about each class but that would take more than my allotted space here, so I will summarize.
  • 1. She has a passion about people’s safety and making sure that the bad guy will not take advantage of us.  Some of her family has been the target of abductors and home invasion, so she knows firsthand what can happen, prepared or not.
  • 2. Her presentations are very detailed, passionate, humorous and easy to understand.  She makes sure that safety is the first priority, especially in her firearm courses. 
  • 3. She makes you think of scenarios that we normally don’t worry about.  For instance, what do you do if someone breaks your front door down while you are home?  She helps you plan your scenarios so that you can maximize the potential of defending yourself or escaping safely with your family. 
  • 4. She helps you set up your house, car, travel, etc. so that a victimizer will hopefully not bother you, but look for an easier target.
  • 5. She offers tools and makes recommendations of tools (security items, pepper spray, knives, signs, tazers) to carry on your person or have about your house to help safeguard against attackers.
  • 6. She has an assistant that has earned a fourth degree black belt that teaches women how to use basic forms of Martial Arts to defend against attackers.

I appreciate that Vicki has added the Women’s Safety Academy to the Women’s Shooting Academy in her forum because she understands that firearms are not for everyone, and that we can still greatly enhance our chances of avoiding a bad situation, or getting away from a bad guy, by being aware of what’s out there.

Thank you for the kind words.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February News

If you have been wanting to take this class I urge you to sign up TODAY.  This class will not be offered again until May or June.

Rumor has it things are heating up in regards to out of state instructors teaching the Utah CCW course.  What this means if it continues to move forward, you would have to travel to Utah in order to obtain your Utah permit, or hire a certified Utah instructor to come to you.
I am certified to teach both the Nevada and Utah CCW classes.  A lot of folks don't want the Utah because they think it is only good in Utah.  This is not true, by obtaining your Nevada and Utah permits you are legally able to carry in over 33 States.  For a complete list of reciprocity information here are two great links:

This coming Sunday the 20th still has some availability in the multi-state CCW class.  If you are interested in attending call Vicki at (775) 772-7064 to register.  This is a co-ed class.  You must have some basic firearm knowledge, this is NOT for a beginner.

February 26th & 27th at the Reno Convention Center.
The gals from WSA will have our booth set up.  You will find us next to our buddies at STAR TARGETS.  Be sure to stop by and say hello!

These guys get my vote for idiots of the year!

The ladies Introduction classes continues to be the most popular class that we offer.  Do you have a special woman you would like to enrollGift Certificates now available, Mother's Day is coming!

Guest blog writers wanted!
Do you have something relevant you would like to share.   To view our first guest post on The Women's Safety Academy please click here: GUEST WRITER CHRISTOPHER

Are you on FACEBOOK?  If so, be sure to find both of the WSA pages and "LIKE" us!  See our links over on the right side of this page.

"No, no, don't do that, don't do that. If you shoot him, you'll just make him mad."
-Blazing Saddles 

For a complete list of all of the WSA classes offered please visit the website:

Until next time...


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Introducing The Women's Safety Academy

The Women's Shooting Academy is proud to announce the creation of The Women's Safety Academy.  I started the safety academy a few months ago because I realized there was a whole group of folks I was not reaching.  It has become very clear that a firearm is not for everyone.  I wanted to offer a variety of non-firearm classes, these class will now fall under The Women's Safety Academy.

As many of you already know, quite a few of my classes are co-ed.  I believe that your personal safety is a choice, not only is it a choice, it is your responsibility.  Please browse the website (, I have recently updated all the class information and added dates through April.  Some of these classes are already filling up quickly!

I am always looking for guest writers for either of my WSA blogs.  If you have something interesting and/or relevant to share please send me an email. Here are the links to the two blogs I maintain.
WSA on YouTube

They say I fight like a girl. I DO, and am proud of it!

This class is designed to pick up where the WARRIOR in Every Woman Seminar leaves off. This is a very interactive class for any woman 12 yrs and older.
There are times when you may not have any personal protection items available. REMEMBER, you will always have your mind and body with you every day. You will learn how to fight with what you have, where you are, when you need it, utilizing your entire body to the fullest.

This class is taught by Alice Kreider, owner of USA Martial Arts Nevada. Alice is a 4th degree black belt.

Class time will be 1:00pm - 5:00pm. Sign up today so that you do not miss out. Payment is due in full when you register. Be sure to ask about Introductory Offer.

This is a non-firearm program.
Sunday, February 6th
Sunday, March 27th

The first knife training class for 2011 has been set for Sunday March 6th.  This is a one of a kind class being taught in Reno.  This class fills up every time we offer it.  DON'T find yourself on the waiting list!  Call Vicki at (775) 772-7064 to register.

In closing I am posting a video that I play in my Ladies Intro. to Handguns Class.  Please take a moment to watch this short 4 minute video.
Here is my son's story in his own words. Armed robbery, home invasion, attempted murder, this was a random act of violence. I share this very personal story in hopes that you will begin to think about this and put together a plan for you and your family. The reason Matt did not have a firearm was due to the incident that happened to his friend 5 years prior. I am proud to tell you Matt is doing wonderful and serves our county in the United States Air Force.

Until next time...


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January Newsletter


"Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better person"  -Benjamin Franklin

Due to an unexpected medical condition I had to cancel all class the last seven weeks of 2010.  I apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused some of you.  The good news is I am well rested and EXCITED to get back to teaching beginning this weekend!  I will be posting the schedule for the next couple of months on the website next week.

The first concealed carry class for 2011 is this coming Sunday the 9th.  If you are interested in attending please give me at call to register.  I will also be doing GUN ADD ON's in the afternoon for those of you looking to add any new guns to your permit.  The fee for your add on paperwork is $10.00 per gun, this is in addition to the small fee the sheriff's dept. will charge you to print your new card with the additions.  Again, must pre-register with Vicki.

For the big game hunter this was a perfect way for Kristy to start her year AND end her hunting season.  
After 2 1/2 days of walking and looking for this guy...

Here is what Kristy had to say:  "You've never really lived until you've experienced the total immersion in nature that hunting provides.  There is nothing like feeding your family the healthy meat that GOD created to nourish our bodies."

NEW INSTRUCTORS...Four former WSA students took the NRA Pistol Instructor Certification in early December.  I am really excited for all of them. WATCH OUT RENO! 

Meet Alice...I am excited to announce that Alice is joining the WSA team.  Alice is a certified pistol instructor, a certified WARRIOR instructor, she also holds a 4th degree black belt. 
 Alice will begin teaching a ladies only 4 hour self defense class that will take off where the WARRIOR seminar leaves off.  Learn how to fight with what you have where you are, utilizing your body to the fullest.  More information in a couple of weeks.   

JANUARY CLASSES are filling up fast.  This Saturday's ladies intro. is currently FULL.  Next ladies intro. is on January 22nd, don't miss out sign up today. 
OC PEPPER SPRAY class on the 19th still has availability.   
THE WARRIOR IN EVERY WOMAN SEMINAR on the 23rd is a class for EVERY woman.
KNIFE TRAINING class will be back in February. 

How about a WSA gift certificate.                

WSA is committed to offering you the highest quality training that you have come to know and trust in us.  Thank you for your continued support.  I look forward to the New Year and seeing many of you again.

Until next time...
